Cover’s Covered
Insurance designed for food and drink based businesses, such as pubs, restaurants and Coffee Shops.
Running a pub or restaurant comes with its own unique challenges, and you’ll find our restaurant / pub insurance reflects them. That’s why, if you have Cover’s Covered, you’re protected if a member of the public slips up on your premises, or if one of your staff injures themselves, incidents which our research has found are both particular concerns for business owners working within a busy environment (for which they are legally liable).
We’ll also protect you against loss if you have to close your premises temporarily due to an insured event, for example due to storm, flood or fire.
If you serve food, your business insurance policy will need to take into consideration the risks associated with its cooking and preparation. Different varieties of food from basic sandwich preparation through to deep fat frying will have different requirements from an insurance point of view so it is important to tailor your policy adequately with the right features on top of your basic Public Liability insurance and Employers’ Liability insurance elements.
Whether you’re covering your liability to the public, staff or any money you keep on your premises or in transit to the bank, it’s essential you buy the right amount of cover.
That’s why we ensure our ‘Cover’s Covered’ product includes the enhanced cover for your type of business with the option to increase limits even further or add on other cover’s to suit your individual requirements and budget.
And if your circumstances change, such as taking on extra staff or altering your business activities, let us know and we’ll adapt your cover to your needs, and save you some money wherever we can.
With Cover’s Covered, you can choose to cover your buildings, contents or both against perils such as fire, theft, flood and malicious damage. Cover for your food and stock is also included, as well as Employers’ and Public Liability.
Whether you run a local village pub or have a chain of restaurants, our team of business insurance specialists will work with you to provide a pub or restaurant insurance solution that evolves with your business.
Typical policies include:
- Accidental damage
- Buildingsagainst perils such as fire, flood, escape of water, subsidence and damage caused by extreme weather.
- Increased limits on money and goods in transit
- Subsidence
- All risks on portable property
- Loss of license
- Terrorism
- Your business contents including food and stock while on your premises against perils such as fire, theft, flood and accidental damage, or in transit up to £5,000
- Employer’s Liability up to £10,000,000, Product Liability up to £5,000,000 and Public Liability up to £5,000,000
- Increased limits of indemnity on Public and Products Liability where requested
- Business interruption – cover for loss of income arising from interruption to your business as a result of an insured event such as a fire, theft or flood at your pub or restaurant
- The gardens or outdoor areas of your pub or restaurant including theft of outdoor equipment such as chairs, tables or outdoor heaters
- Money at your business premises, in transit and at home, excluding theft from unattended vehicles
- Personal belongings of your employees and pub or restaurant customers, excluding theft from unattended vehicles unless the item is out of sight and locked away
- Legal Expenses and uninsured losses following legal proceedings, such as costs incurred defending a claim against your business
- Loss of income up to £750,000
Working with a range of leading underwriters, we can provide you with pub or restaurant insurance that meets the changing needs of your business
Insurance recommendations
When talking with local establishments, we were able to understand further the matters that concern business owners the most as well as establishing areas of their current portfolio that they did not understand at all. With this in mind, we have suggested below some areas where you should check you cover to ensure that you are getting the best value for money and that your business is protected as well as it can be.
Business Interruption
We recommend a minimum of 24-36 months’ worth of business interruption with your pub insurance policy. If your property was destroyed by a fire, it could easily take you this amount of time to get back on your feet and rebuild.
The recovery time of a pub can be greatly extended by two main things:
- Being in an inner city location, making it difficult to transport building materials to your premises.
- Operating out of a listed building, adding regulatory issues and requiring harder-to-source building materials. This is a very common issue facing pubs as many of them are over 100 years old and have listed status.
Personal Accident and Violent Assault Cover
Alcohol related incidents are an occupational hazard of running a pub and sadly, assault is not uncommon. Many of the policies we can offer will be able to cover you and your clientele for injury or death as the result of personal accidents and violent assault. This cover will pay out £10,000 in the event of a successful claim.
Licence protection
It’s incredibly difficult to run a pub without a licence to sell alcohol, and that licence can be taken away from you by local authorities. The reasons contributing to losing this are not always within your control and can range from disrupting your neighbourhood with noisy guests through to violent crimes taking place in or outside your pub.
Getting that licence back again is also not always straightforward and can cost upwards of £100,000. We can negotiate to include cover for winning back your licence as part of your pub insurance policy and it is a feature that we often highly recommend.
We can cover all types of food and drink-based businesses, including:
- Public houses (tenanted, managed and independent)
- Restaurants
- Cafes
- Coffee shops
- Tea rooms
- Sandwich shops
- Wine bars
- Takeaways
- Ice cream parlours

Team Members
Lee O’Connor
Account Executive
Ready to talk?
01702 662544
Monday—Thursday: 9:00AM–5:30PM
Friday: 9:00AM–5:00PM
Saturday & Sunday: Closed**For any enquires outside of business hours, please contact your Account Executive directly.